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Hope for Our Times
Our goal is to encourage people in the Word and help them to remember that God’s plans will prevail. It may look like things are falling apart but things are actually falling into place.

Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words –
1 Thessalonians 4:17-18

The Ministry​

Hope for Our Times is a ministry founded and led by Pastor Tom Hughes, dedicated to exploring and sharing the prophecies of the Bible that relate to end times events. This ministry serves as a resource for believers and seekers alike, offering profound insights into how ancient Biblical predictions align with current global events. By unpacking the signs of the times and the hope found in Scripture, Hope for Our Times emphasizes the urgency of understanding the days we live in and preparing spiritually for what lies ahead.

Through a variety of formats, including weekly updates, in-depth interviews, compelling Bible teachings, and impactful in-person conferences, Hope for Our Times reaches a diverse audience across the globe. These resources are designed to equip individuals with a clear understanding of God’s plan for the world and to inspire a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The ministry highlights the critical importance of salvation through Christ while offering guidance on how to live with faith, courage, and hope in the midst of challenging times.

More than just a prophetic resource, Hope for Our Times fosters a sense of community among believers who share a passion for Biblical truth and prophecy. It encourages a life centered on the hope and peace that only Jesus can provide. Whether you are seeking clarity, encouragement, or a deeper understanding of how to navigate these Last Days, Hope for Our Times serves as a beacon of light pointing to the ultimate hope found in Him.

Pastor Tom Hughes

Pastor Tom Hughes is the founder of Hope for Our Times and founder of 412 Churches. He has been teaching the Bible and Bible prophecy for over 30 years and has a unique gift for helping people understand what the Bible calls the “Last Days.” Pastor Tom shares daily prophecy updates on the Hope For Our Times website, app and YouTube channel.

He regularly appears on a variety of TV, radio, and internet programs, including World News Briefing on HisChannel. He is the host of ‘The Tom Hughes Report’ and best selling author of three books.

Pastor Tom lives in Southern California and travels the world sharing the HOPE found only in Jesus Christ.

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