The premise of this book is based upon fundamental presuppositions that are not the result of internal philosophical musings, personal opinions, or speculative conjecture. Rather, they flow from an external standard that serves as the only basis for beliefs, attitudes, and practices: the Bible. There is a hell. There is a heaven. Not everyone goes to heaven. Some people go to hell. Place your faith in the One who paid your penalty and offers to you the forgiveness of sins and the free gift of eternal life.
Author: J.B. Hixson
Of all of the doctrines revealed in the Bible, from humanity s perspective, soteriology, or the doctrine of salvation, would certainly be the most important since a correct understanding and response to this doctrine determines where a soul spends eternity: heaven or hell. Yet, despite its importance, the evangelical church seems to be growing progressively inaccurate and even apathetic concerning how the great salvation truths of Scripture are communicated to the lost. It is possible to miss out on a joyful eternity with God simply by misunderstanding or misconstruing the simplicity of the gospel. That is why I am delighted with this new volume written by my friend Dr. J. B. Hixson, which not only argues for the simplicity of the gospel but also holds forth its truth in light of perpetual misunderstandings of it. I am always delighted to endorse Dr. Hixson s work as he is one of the few scholars who correctly understands the true grace position of Scripture and also holds to dispensational premillennialism. Consequently, he has the right theology necessary to rightly divide the Word of God on this critically important topic. –Dr. Andy Woods, pastor-teacher, Sugar Land Bible Church, TX; President, Chafer Theological Seminary, NM
This is a rare book and one that needed to be written. I’m glad that Dr. Hixson is the one who wrote it because this isn’t really a book: It’s a friend-to-friend conversation a master author is having with you, the reader. From the get-go, you realize that Dr. Hixson cares–really cares–about the gospel and your need to hear and believe it. He imprints every page with an urgency little heard today from pulpit or page. Dr. Hixson soaks every pertinent point with Scripture while packing each paragraph with provocative thought as each word marches toward a biblical conclusion. This is one of those books to have and to hold, to treasure, to savor, then to share with others. –Dr. Michael Halsey, Chancellor, Grace Biblical Seminary
The Apostle Paul was concerned about the Corinthians when he wrote these words: But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ (2 Corinthians 11:3, NKJV). The gospel of eternal life by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone is a simple gospel. In a day of murky presentations of the gospel of Christ, Hixson reminds us all not to complicate the good news. This work will function well as an extended gospel tract that can be given to unbelievers to help them come to trust in Christ for salvation. It will also help believers to understand some of the pitfalls they will face as they share their faith. Make this book one that you will read this year. –Dr. Mike Stallard, Director of International Ministry, Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, NJ
About the Author
J. B. Hixson serves as the founder and president of Not By Works Ministries. Since 1999, Not By Works has been committed to promoting the clear, accurate, and urgent Gospel message. According to the Bible, eternal life is found only through faith in Jesus Christ alone, who died and rose again for our sins. Not By Works seeks to advance the message of God’s amazing grace through a nationwide conference-speaking ministry; through the publication and distribution of books, DVDs, CDs, and other biblical resources; and through a daily radio program. For more information about hosting a Not By Works conference in your area, please visit www.NotByWorks.org. Additionally, Dr. Hixson is a pastor, professor, and national conference speaker. He earned his BA degree from Houston Baptist University; ThM degree from Dallas Theological Seminary; and PhD degree from Baptist Bible Seminary. Dr. Hixson has been involved in pastoral and academic ministry since 1987. He is the author or editor of several books, including Getting the Gospel Wrong, The Gospel Unplugged, The Great Last Days Deception, What Lies Ahead, The NBW Book of Theological Charts, Diagrams, & Illustrations, and Freely by His Grace. He also has written for or contributed to numerous theological journals, magazines, newspapers, blogs, and newsletters. J. B. and his wife, Wendy, have six children and one grandchild.
Weight | 10.5 oz |
Dimensions | 8.5 × 5.5 × .50 in |
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