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Tom Hughes

Tom Hughes is the founder of Hope for our Times and lead pastor of 412 Church in San Jacinto. He has been teaching Bible prophecy for over 30 years and has a unique gift for helping people understand what the Bible calls the “Last Days.” Tom shares weekly prophecy updates on the Hope for our Times website, app and YouTube channel.

He regularly appears on a variety of TV, radio, and internet programs, including World News Briefing on HisChannel. Tom lives in Southern California with his wife and two children.

The Ministry​

Hope for our Times is a ministry led by Tom Hughes which focuses on the prophecies of the Bible concerning end times events. Through the use of weekly updates, interviews, Bible teachings and in person conferences, Hope for our Times is able to share the importance of having a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and how to live in these Last Days with the hope that can only be found in Him.

General Inquiries

Craig Clark - craig@hopeforourtimes.org

Media Inquiries

Matthew Hughes - Matthew@hopefoprourtimes.org

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